
Saturday, 15 September 2012


After a few months of development we decided to put all the parts together, and check, how it works. Frame and X,Y were completetd. The following hardware components remains:

Power supply:

1. Really strong power supply from HP server: 32 Apms at 12v.

2. Electronics: Main board, motor drivers, extruder board all has to be connected together:
    Mainboard and extruder together with first motor driver prototype.


3. Z axis:

4. All mechanical components in place:

All hardware has been assembled, electronic installed, target and host software in place. What will be the next step ? A few weeks of  testing, tuning in order to print the first shape.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Offline Tests

As in software deveopment, offline tests lets you eliminate defects as ss early as it is possible, so we do this with PrinterZero too.

Stepper Motor


X, Y drive


The first step in 3D printing is the hardest one, because you are starting from the position zero. Lack of experience and tools make it really difficult.Almost all parts you have to made manually, it consume a lot of time. Take a look how it could looks like, take a look on the beginning of  PrinterZero.

Step 0
Body made of alloy M6 Screews, polyurethane resin and little bit of MDF plates.

Step 1
Extruder consist of polyurethane resin, springs, 608 bearings, and screws.
It takes a lot of time  to design it, build and run. GPS is very talented, so finally brings it up.

Step 2
Hotend  - PTFE rood, Alloy, Resistor, termistor, copper rood and again GPS skills

Step 3
Stepper motors 4 x  used Nema23 0,6 Nm

Step 4
Electronics - Home made Mainboard and Stepper motor drivers


Step 5
PrinterZero - Put all parts together, spent many hours on bring-up, fine tunning and finally ... you will see what happen in the next post.